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DIN-RY CFLink Protocol

The following documentation is for the DIN-RYx-N devices CFLink protocol messages.

Relay Commands

On / Off / Toggle

The TRLYSET (Send) command is used to send a command to the relay channels.


> [F2]<ID>[F3]TRLYSET[F4]<PORT>:<STATE>[F5][F5]

  • <PORT> = The relay channel (port) to be controlled. Relay channels would be from P01-P08 for the 8-channel and P01-P05 for the 5-channel.
  • <STATE> = The command to set the status of relay. 0 would set the relay to open, 1 would set the relay to close, T would set the relay to toggle.


< [F2]<ID>[F3]RRLYCHA[F4]<PORT>:<STATE>[F5][F5] // The reply comes from only the port where the change event happens
< [F2]<ID>[F3]RRLYSTA[F4]<PORT>:<STATE>[F5][F5] // The reply comes from all the ports 

To minimize the data traffic on the communication bus, the RRLYCHA will only reflect the affected ports only. It will also be sent as unsolicited messages when buttons on the display panel are set. The RRLYSTA reply will have all port status, separated by pipes.


Status Read


> [F2]<ID>[F3]QCFXSTA[F4]<PORT>[F5][F5] // query single port
> [F2]<ID>[F3]QCFXSTA[F4][F5][F5]       // query all ports


> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXSTA[F4]<PORT>:<STATE>[F5][F5]  // reply with 
> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXCHA[F4]<PORT>:<STATE>[F5][F5]  // auto reporting

When <PORT> is specified, reply will have status of only specified port. If <PORT> is omitted, reply will have all port states. RCFXCHA will be sent as unsolicited message when port changed.

Mode Configuration


> [F2]<ID>[F3]CCFXDCP[F4]<Port>:<Mode>:<Double Tap Time>:<Hold Time>[F5][F5]
> [F2]<ID>[F3]CCFXDCP[F4]<Port>:<Mode>:<Timeout Time>:<Trigger State>[F5][F5]


> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXDCP[F4]<Port>:<Mode>:<Double Tap Time>:<Hold Time>[F5][F5]

  • <PORT> = The relay channel (port) to be controlled. Relay channels would be from P01-P08 for the 8-channel and P01-P05 for the 5-channel.
  • <MODE> = N for Normal (default), A for Advanced, T for Timer.
  • <Double Tap Time> = Time in 100ths of a second for a double tap to occur within. Valid range (1-65535) (0.1s - 6553.5s).
  • <Hold Time> = Time in 100ths of a second for a long press and hold to occur. Valid range (1-65535) (0.1s - 6553.5s).
  • <Timeout Time> = Time in 100ths of a second for a port to stop reporting commands. Valid range (1-65535) (0.1s - 6553.5s).
  • <Trigger State> = When to trigger timer to start and restart. 1 = on close, 0 = on open. Default is “1 On Close” if this param is missing.

In Normal mode, dry contacts work as currently - report state on change, on press and on release. <Double Tap Time> and <Hold Time> can be omitted from command when setting normal mode.

> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXCHA[F4]<PORT>:<STATE>[F5][F5] // <STATE> = 1 for press or 0 for release.

In Timer mode, dry contacts report on change as normal to start, but do not report any CHA or STA again until the timer goes out. Still report if manually requested via QCFXSTA regardless of timer.

Each time the port “trigger state” is reached, the timer will restart. Only once it times out (the time elapses with no state changes) will it begin to start sending state changes again.

When the timer times out, it will also send a special replyRCFXTUP for indicating the time is up with the port number as the data. For example:

> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXTUP[F4]<PORT>[F5][F5] // <PORT> = P01 or P02, etc.

An example on Timer:

A command is sent with Port 1 defined as timer mode with timer as 300s, trigger on close.

> [F2]<ID>[F3]CCFXDCP[F4]P01:T:3000:1[F5][F5] 

→ Port 1 closes: (timer = 0s)

> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXCHA[F4]P01:1[F5][F5] 

→ 10 secs later, Port 1 closes: (time = 10s) <no report, timer restarts>

→ 290 secs later from last event, Port 1 closes: (time = 300s) <no report, timer restarts>

→ 300 secs later from last event, and Port 1 is now open: (time = 600s)

> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXCHA[F4]P01:0[F5][F5] // reports state
> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXTUP[F4]P01[F5][F5] // timeout 

Another example:

Time from 0 Event Bus Traffic Timer
Before 0s inactive
0sMotion trigger on port 1\xF2<ID>\xF3RCFXCHA\xF4P01:1\xF5\xF5started (300s)
10sMotion trigger on port 1(port closes)<no report>re-started(300s)
15sPort 1 opens<no report>No effect
20sMotion trigger on port 1(port closes)<no report>re-started (300s)
25sPort 1 opens<no report>No effect
320sNo event\xF2<ID>\xF3RCFXCHA\xF4P01:0\xF5\xF5Timer completed
~320sNo event\xF2<ID>\xF3RCFXTUP\xF4P01\xF5\xF5Timer completed
350sMotion trigger on port 1 (port closes)\xF2<ID>\xF3RCFXCHA\xF4P01:1\xF5\xF5started (300s)
650sNo event\xF2<ID>\xF3RCFXSTA\xF4P01:1\xF5\xF5
~650sNo event\xF2<ID>\xF3RCFXTUP\xF4P01\xF5\xF5Timer completed
660sPort 1 opens<no report>No effect
670sMotion trigger on port 1 (port closes)\xF2<ID>\xF3RCFXCHA\xF4P01:1\xF5\xF5Timer “restarts” (300s)

In Advanced mode, dry contacts will have no reports on press or release. Instead, it reports physical “gestures” - single tap (press), double tap (press) or held on change (press and hold) based on timing configuration:

> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXCHA[F4]<PORT>:<STATE>[F5][F5] // <STATE> = S for Single Tap, D for Double Tap OR H for Hold

For example, let's configure a dry contact as Advanced mode P01:A:15:30 where Double Tap time = 1.5 seconds, Hold time = 3.0 seconds

A Single Tap is reported if the 1x press and 1x release is detected within the double tap time (1.5 seconds). A single tap will not be reported til after the double tap time has lapsed.

A Double Tap is reported if the 2x presses and 2x releases are detected within the double tap time (1.5 seconds).

A Hold is then reported if 1x press with no release is detected within the hold time (3 seconds).

Start is defined by the detection of the first press. End is defined when a report is made. All timings are PER PORT.

Therefore a report of an event should be either a S, D OR H. A “single” event CANNOT report multiple types of presses.

Valid time values are 000:100 where 100 = 10 seconds

> [F2]<ID>[F3]CCFXDCP[F4]<PORT_CONFIG>[F5][F5] \\ Send
> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXDCP[F4]<PORT_CONFIG>[F5][F5] \\ Reply

For Example:

> [F2]<ID>[F3]CCFXDCP[F4]P01:A:15:300|P02:N|P03:N[F5][F5] \\ Send
> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXDCP[F4]P01:A:15:300|P02:N|P03:N[F5][F5] \\ Reply

AC Load Status Read

> [F2]<ID>[F3]QCFXACS[F4]<PORT>:<STATE>[F5][F5] \\ Query AC Load Status
> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXACS[F4]<PORT>:<STATE>[F5][F5] \\ Reply

Conditional commands based on variable states

> [F2]<ID>[F3]TCFXCON[F4]<CONDITION>[F6]<ACTION>[F5][F5]  \\ Send
> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXCON[F4]<BOOLEAN>[F5][F5]                \\ Reply

Example of command syntax to send:

> [F2]<ID>[F3]TCFXCON[F4]01==1[F6]00:TRLYSET:M2|P02:1[F5][F5] 
> [F2]<ID>[F3]RCFXCON[F4]TRUE[F5][F5]                                                          \\ Reply                                 

  • \xF6 splits the condition and the action. It is a single hex byte. The first \xF6 byte in the data should be considered the split location, so that the actual action can contain any byte including \xF6.
  • <DATA> can contain anything, except \xF5\xF5, including additional colons.
  • <VARIABLE> the data represents the variable type and variable character to get the value of, AA-ZZ. This allows you to compare a variable value in the condition.
  • Built in variables for this device are:
    • 00 = Any AC state is on = 1, else all off then = 0.
    • 01 = AC Status 1 (1 = on or 0 = off)
    • 02 = AC Status 2 (1 = on or 0 = off)
    • ….
    • 08 = AC Status 8 (1 = on or 0 = off)
  • <OPERATOR> can be one of the following symbol sequences (always 2 bytes)
    • == EQUAL TO
    • != NOT EQUAL TO
    • « LESS THAN
  • <VALUE> must be a digit, 0-65535. This is used (with the <OPERATOR>) to compare the state of the <VARIABLE>.
  • <TARGET_ID> should be the CFLink ID of the unit receiving the command, in plain ascii (range 2 - EF). Single character will work (2-9) or two characters (02-EF). 00 = local device (ie. target the same device the condition is running on).
  • For each reply, a boolean TRUE or FALSE will be returned on each condition evaluation, as the reply data payload. RCFXCON TRUE for example.

Conditional ON and OFF based on AC Status read

> [F2]<ID>[F3]TRLYCON[F4]<CONDITION>|<ACTION>[F5][F5]  \\ Send
> [F2]<ID>[F3]RRLYCON[F4]<BOOLEAN>[F5][F5]             \\ Reply                                 

  • <IF AC STATE> = S01:1 (AC state 1 is on)
  • <IF AC STATE> = S01:0 (AC state 1 is off)
  • <SET PORT STATE> = P01:1 (port 1 L1/NO)
  • <SET PORT STATE> = P01:2 (port 1 L2/NC)
  • <SET PORT STATE> = P01:0 (port 1 L2/NC)
  • <SET PORT STATE> = P01:T (port 1 toggle)

> [F2]<ID>[F3]TRLYCON[F4]S01:1|P01:1[F5][F5]  \\ If AC State 1 is ON, then Set Port 1 to L1

> [F2]<ID>[F3]TRLYCON[F4]S01:0|P01:2[F5][F5]  \\ If AC State 1 is OFF, then set relay port 1 to L2
> [F2]<ID>[F3]TRLYCON[F4]S01:0|P01:T[F5][F5]  \\ If AC State 1 is OFF, then toggle relay port 1, effectively turning ON circuit 1 when status reads OFF.
> [F2]<ID>[F3]TRLYCON[F4]S01:1|P02:T[F5][F5]  \\ If AC State 1 is ON, then toggle relay port 2.
> [F2]<ID>[F3]TRLYCON[F4]SZZ:1|PZZ:1[F5][F5]  \\ All ports.If AC State 1 is ON, then Set Port 1 to L1, If AC State 2 is ON, then Set Port 2 to L1, etc. until If AC State 8 is ON, then Set Port 8 to L1.

User Variable

You can use user variables to store strings or values that can be retrieved anytime for use later.

The CVARSET (Send) command is used to assign a value to the defined user variable.



  • <VARIABLE_NAME> = The name of the user variable.
  • <VALUE> = The value to be assigned to the variable.



There are two variable query commands available - QVARLST command is used to query all available variables and its respective values. QVARGET command is used to query a specific variable value.


> [F2]<ID>[F3]QVARLST[F4][F5][F5] \\ Query value for all variables
> [F2]<ID>[F3]QVARGET[F4]<VARIABLE_NAME>[F5][F5] \\ Query value for specific variable

  • <VARIABLE_NAME> = The name of the user variable.
  • <VALUE> = The value to be assigned to the variable.



hardware/cflink/din-ry-cflink-protocol.1619616941.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/28 13:35 by terrylau