List Tool

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A list is a dynamic GUI object where the contents can be scrolled vertically or horizontally. List contents are built via stacking subpages which can contain any GUI object such as buttons, text etc.

Below is an example of a dynamic list taken from our XBMC Media Centre GUI. Click the image to view a larger version.

To implement a list in guiDesigner:

  1. Select the list icon on the tool bar.
  2. Then draw a box roughly the size of the list you wish to use. This size can be edited later on.
  3. The list is then configured in the list properties.

List Properties

To access the list properties, right click on the list and select list properties.

1 - List Join

Assign a join number to the list. List joins are specifically only applicable for lists and is different from digital, analog and serial joins. Can be tracked via the Join Manager in the guiDesigner.

2 - Appearance X, Y, W, H

This option allows for manual entry of the position and size of the list.

3 - Appearance - Subpage settings

4 - Appearance - Vertical/Horizontal

Selecting either options will enable the list contents and scrolling direction to be horizontally or vertically.

5 - Appearance BG Color

6 - Preview Data - Item Format

7 - Scroll Event Command & Macro

Macros and commands assigned would be executed as the list scrolls.

8 - List End Command & Macro

Macros and commands assigned would be executed as the list items reaches the bottom of the list.

9 - Preview Data - Scroll Position

10 - Enable Swipe Delete - Checkbox