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case-studies:dome-observatory-photography [2014/06/30 04:56]
aaron [2 Way Control]
case-studies:dome-observatory-photography [2014/07/01 00:55] (current)
aaron [2 Way Control]
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 ====== Dome Observatory Control ====== ====== Dome Observatory Control ======
-Paul Stewart is a New Zealand resident with his very own dome observatory in his back yard. Paul takes some truly amazing pictures with his setup (see below). ​He uses iViewer on an iPad to control the observatory dome and monitor important information.+Paul Stewart is a New Zealand resident with his very own 2.3 diameter ​dome observatory in his back yard. Paul takes some truly amazing pictures with his setup (see below). iViewer ​4 is used on an iPad to control the observatory dome and monitor important information.
-{{http://​​Zs0cy8a.jpg?​600}} ​{{http://​​BaTTSQW.jpg?​600}}+{{http://​​BaTTSQW.jpg?​600}}
 ===== 2 Way Control ===== ===== 2 Way Control =====
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   * etc    * etc 
-It also has an encoder for done position.+It also has an encoder for dome position.
-Voltage, current, position, temperature,​ etc data is sent in a comma delimited format using UDP protocol to an Ipad were the iViewer app displays this in a graphical format.(see below image).+Voltage, current, position, temperature,​ etc data is sent in a comma delimited format using UDP protocol to an iPad were the iViewer app displays this in a graphical format (see below image).
 {{http://​​aQFQJH5.png?​1000}} {{http://​​aQFQJH5.png?​1000}}
-Any over temp/​current ​or fire alarms ​are also shown+The GUI also features warnings for temperature/​current ​levels and fire alarms.
 The app can also send commands back to the dome using the same format for manual rotation and shutter control. The app can also send commands back to the dome using the same format for manual rotation and shutter control.
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 ==== Shutter motor and drive chain ==== ==== Shutter motor and drive chain ====
 {{http://​​Fdy6wI4.jpg?​600}} {{http://​​Fdy6wI4.jpg?​600}}
 +==== Control Electronics ====
 +==== One of Paul's Amazing Photos ====
 ===== More Information ===== ===== More Information =====
case-studies/dome-observatory-photography.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/07/01 00:55 by aaron